A3: Assessment Brief

6 min readMay 31, 2021


App Prototype & User Testing


This final assessment is a continuation of assessment two, concerning the storyboard, design, and build of your app prototype, and conducting user tests. In this assessment, you are to take your research findings from assessment two and use them to inform your design decisions in building a digital prototype. The first step before jumping to prototyping is to design a storyboard depicting the user-journey flows based on two of your scenarios from assessment two. Then using your storyboard as a guide, proceed to build your digital prototype using Figma. Once your prototype is ready, you’ll then proceed to test it with 5 users, with the inclusion of an A/B split test to gauge the effectiveness of certain screens. These testing results will then be formatted and summarized in your user testing report and applied as final changes to the app prototype before submission. Finally, to end off the assessment, you’ll write and publish a blog article summarizing the steps taken in this assessment from storyboard to finished prototype and user testing. In the same fashion as assessments one and two, the blog article must be written to a professional standard, including photos, and app screenshots to accompany the written article.

Who are they?

From the brief, Goodlife Health Clubs is one of Australia’s biggest and most well-known gym chains supporting in excess of 295,000 individuals to carry on with better and more dynamic ways of life. Their motivation is clear, to move individuals to accomplish incredible things, regardless of whether it’s tracking down a superior work/life balance, making solid propensities or preparing for your first long-distance race.

As stated in the brief, we had to keep the same color palette, which is #00BEED and #000000, and almost the same for the typography which is ‘Helvetica Neue’ and the typeface.


Here I re worked on my story board to add some more detailed compared to assignment 2.

Here is the first story board where it represents the story written above where John (the main character) found out that her girlfriend cheated on him and is now siffering from depression. One night, he got the idea of looking for remedies to cure his depression and he stumble across this app. He was given some diet and exercise to do and months later, he was able to feel himself again.


Here again, I developed it a little bit more to add some details to make it more interesting story.

Here the story is about a man named David, a freelance photographer from Victoria ,Australia. Due to Covid-19, he was unable to go out and work. He ate a lot of junk foods and gained a lot of weight ever since. One night, one of his friends told him about the app and he was excited and immediately downloaded it. After some interviews with the doctors, he was given home exercises and diet to follow during the lockdown. Months later after the lockdown, he was able to feel normal again.

-How the prototype started.

Here I did a wire frame on Adobe Illustrator of how the app would work and from peer feedbacks, I made some changes to improve the aesthetics and accessebility.

Based on assignment 2, from peer and tutor feedbacks from our feedback sessions, the aesthetics variation was the most interesting one compared to the others.

Here using figma, I started developing the final prototype. I added some screen like the log in and sign up page give it a more realistic touch

Here, after another feedback sessions with my peers and tutor, I had to make some changement compared to the previous one. I had to change the top section where there is the logo and the back button, I made it static and added a white rectangle to it so that when scrolling, the colour of the logo would not merge with the colour of the images and text.


I conducted an interview of 5 students to test my UX design of the Goodlife Health club application.

The 5 interviewee were 5 graphic design students and here are the following question that they were asked during the interview:

  1. Is it user friendly ?
  2. How do you see yourself using it ?
  3. Which options were the most useful ?
  4. Would it help people in your opinion ?
  5. Do you think the video call feature would be impactful ?

Here are the data collected during the interview

Here the data collected when working on the user testing report. I made a summary of the data collected as mentioned in the brief. I also analysed the body language and expression of the tester. I mentioned everything on the right of their images. Some of them were quite neutral in their reactions.

Here is the link to the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8gmVTI48BA&t=366s

( The link of the video is also available on a plain text file on the submission file )

-A/B Split test

Here I conducted another feedback sessions among my peers for the A/B split test.

From feedbacks, here are the 3 choosen one as they are the main screen that the user will access.

From peer feedbacks, I made some changement to some of my frames. On the main/landing page, I added some designs on top to fill in the negative spaces. On the calendar frame, I made the numbers a bit bigger compared to the previous version and the last one is the options to access the diet, home exercise, I made the rectangles the same size as all the other rectangles to keep the consistancy and added another design on top using the same colour palette from the logo. Overall, it was a mixture of accessebility variation and aesthetic variation merged together.

-Here are the final frames

