A2: Assessment Brief
We were given 4 weeks to work on this assignment and there was 3 brief to choose. The first brief was about RSPCA. All the information are below:
While reading and working on this brief, we were assigned to add a feature that helps to educate the owners on how to look after their pets. For example, the pet’s diet exercises routines and finding adequate pet services.
What is RSPCA?
According to the brief, the RSPCA is a free, local area-based foundation giving creature care and assurance benefits the nation over. As a united association, the RSPCA’s part social orders in each state and domain run creature rehoming covers, explore and arraign creature pitilessness grumblings, and teach the local area on creature government assistance and mindful pet ownership.
As stated in the brief, we had to keep the same color palette, which is #0092CF and #74C167, and the almost the same for the typography which is ‘Variable concept light’ and the typeface.
When working on this brief, there was a lot of ideas that can be added to the app.
Here is the second brief, I have concluded that the goal was to reduce the cost of living on the Victorians by giving them a good knowledge on how to grow their own food based on their location.
Who are they?
Based on the brief, Sustainability Victoria is a website dedicated to helping Victorian citizens transition to a circular, climate-resilient economy. Set up under the Sustainability Victoria Act 2005, we are a legal authority with a board named by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
As stated in the brief, we had to keep the same color palette, which is #6DC725 and #000000, and the same for the typography which is ‘Myriad Pro’ and the typeface.
Same as brief 1, while working on this brief, I was getting a lot of creative ideas of how the user could learn throughout this app and a lot of other options that could be added stated in the WHAT (4) section.
And here is the third and final brief on Goodlife Health clubs. The goal is to create an app for people who suffer from obesity and depression and due to the recent lockdowns, these issues may be at an increasing rate.
Who are they?
From the brief, Goodlife Health Clubs is one of Australia’s biggest and most well known gym chains supporting in excess of 295,000 individuals to carry on with better and more dynamic ways of life. Their motivation is clear, to move individuals to accomplish incredible things, regardless of whether it’s tracking down a superior work/life balance, making solid propensities or preparing for your first long distance race.
As stated in the brief, we had to keep the same color palette, which is #00BEED and #000000, and the almost the same for the typography which is ‘Helvetica Neue’ and the typeface.
When working on this brief, I found out this brief was more interesting compare to the other 2 as nowadays, a lot of people are suffering from these issues, not only in Australia but around the world.
So here is the Low Fidelity drawing. I have decided to add the options like Obesity and Depression in another slide to make it more user-friendly where the user enters the ISSUE section then finding the 2 options. Then they will have to fill in some forms to make sure they get the required health attention.
Then they will receive another frame where there are other different options the user can select from the diet to the exercise to solve their issues. After selecting the option they want, for example, the “home exercise” option, the user will both receive different workouts for the different issues. After that, the user could appoint a personal coach/psychiatrist by buying the premium version or if they have some financial issues, they could send an e-mail to have a preference.
Then after some peer feedback, I have chosen the 4 for the High fidelity. The 4 screens are the ones with the stars on them.
Here, I did a wireframe to demonstrate how the app will work.
Here are the 4 selected one for the 4 developed high fidelity frame where I have used the consistency design principles to make everything align perfectly to give a much neater outcome.
Here is the overall feedback of the aesthetic variation low fidelity. I added some shadows to the home screen/landing page. Then on each of the images of the exercises section. I have added mostly some shadows to the important sections of each section to make them pop out of the background.
Here is the aesthetic variation of the 4 high fidelity frames, I have decided to keep the same consistency of the high fidelity except added some shadows to the images to make them stand out from the background. On the landing page, I also added a shadow behind the illustration to give it a much better look giving a healthy look to it.
Here is the feedback for the accessibility variation. I made the text a little bit bigger and added the main information, for example, the time of each exercise to make it easier to see and access some of the options.
And here is the last variation, the Accessibility Variation. For this one, I have made it more accessible, for example, in the second frame, the option/button of obesity and depression are larger compared to the other ones. It takes up the whole screen to make it easier to access the options. On the second screen and the third screen, I have added the duration of the activities to a bigger one so that the user will see the duration as soon as they enter the frame.
After working on the 3 variations, the goal was much clearer on how to work on this brief. After these steps, a survey of 8 people was conducted and an interview was done to make sure that the options added on the app were user-friendly and helpful. All the information about the report was added to the process file.
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